The next level of security system

Access Control System

Addressing the multitude of threats to an organization's physical and digital assets has become one of the most important challenges facing governments and enterprises today.

In areas such as Commercial, Government, Aviation, Financial Services and the Pharmaceutical industry, there is enormous pressure to implement measures that will increase overall security, reduce identity fraud and protect valuable IP (Intellectual Property) while ensuring the privacy of client and patient records as well as employees and business information - all in a highly cost effective and convenient manner.

Hidden EyeTech offers electronic pin keypad, proximity card access and fingerprint biometric access control solutions

We have solutions for every door access control applications, including managing entry and exit activity with our line of access control panels and monitoring software.

Benefits of Access Control System

Access control systems let authorized employees get in and out of various parts of your office while keeping other people out. They can range from simple electronic keypads that secure a single door to large networked systems for multiple buildings that can include parking barriers, integration with time and attendance systems, and multiple levels of security.

The increased security provided by a modern access control system is important to many types of businesses. Such access control also greatly simplify management of your facility: no need to replace lost keys, hunts down old keys from terminated employees, or wonder who has access to which areas. All access can be logged automatically for audit purpose.